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Friday, 28 May 2010

DRSol :: News Archive :: Two drug mules arrested

01:51 |

DRSol :: News Archive :: Two drug mules arrested: "Las Americas International Airport authorities said that Spanish citizen Vicente Ramos Pina was arrested prior to boarding an Air Europa flight to Madrid. White powder in four large packages and four small ones weighing 5 kilos was hidden in the double bottom of two suitcases. Likewise, a 17-year old girl was arrested prior to boarding a JetBlue flight to New York. She was carrying 4 packages of white powder, weighing each 1 kilo, camouflaged inside two pairs of socks in her suitcase. The confiscated substances are suspect of being cocaine or heroine, as reported in the Listin Diario. Two Santo Domingo province prosecutors participated in the arrest"

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